Heads up! Did you know there is another hustle right around the corner? Yep, this Friday, June 3rd, is the 2nd annual Biiklops Hustle, sponsored by Screen Ink. Meet up is early so you have plenty of time to check out the Biiklops Poster show and all the other good First Friday happenings.
6 PM. Van Dorn Park. Bikes required, lights and helmets recommended, bag of some sort might be a good idea...
1. Have fun, ride bikes! 2. You are responsible for you. Take only risks you want to take, since you're the one suffering the consequences. 3. Get creative. 4. Make new friends. Go fast or go slow, it's your choice. 5. Be competitive if you want to, but don't be a jerk. Especially not to volunteers hosting checkpoints. 6. Enjoy participating in hustles? Consider hosting one. It's often more fun than racing. 7. Lights required. Helmet if you value your brain. 8. Decide to bail out mid-race? Let the organizer know so they're not worried about you.