Saturday, February 23, 2013

Sheclismo Herstory Hustle...more info

Meet up at Pepe's Bistro (if you haven't visited in awhile, he's moved to the south side of town) at 7:30 with your lil' lady B-doll. The race starts at 8, but you'll have some things to do before you can leave Pepe's, so being there at 7:30 is strongly encouraged. Hey, you could even show up earlier and have some dinner!

Question: Can I bring a Ken doll, or does it have to be a Barbie?

Answer: As long as your doll will help you express your inner diva, you can bring whatever sort of little doll you'd like. 

Cost of race: $5

SHEnanigans abound. Check back later for a beautiful spoke card designed by Berly.


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